Inverness Kennels

AKC Registered German Wirehaired Pointers

Website last updated on September 6th, 2014.

Mark Pedigree Health Certs

BISS CH Spindrifter's Mark of Laurwyn

Call Name:  Mark

AKC #:  SD390821

DoB:   12/30/81

Sire:    DC/AFC Nordwest's Griff Von Dem Feld

Dam:   CH Laurwyn's Barbed Wire

Owner:  Laura Myles

Mark was from the mating of the #1 Field Dog and the #1 Show Bitch from ‘81. He had a natural, tightly textured coat, lovely movement, dark eye, and a sweet mind.  Mark was a close working dog who loved to retrieve.  He had never met a stranger, which considering the time he was living in, is a statement as to his temperament. Mark lived well into his mid teen years.

His Uncle was CH Hennums Baron Whilhelm UD, sire of CH OTCH Nordics Viking Brandy UDX, MH.

*Please Note: There is a very limited amount of frozen semen available from Mark*

CH Dualborn Royal Flush

CH Dualborn Diamond Jim Rohauf

Duvans Aux Cayes Bingo

Schatzi Von Rohauf

CH Duvans Aux Cayes Seiban


Duvans Aux Cayes Tilly

Am/Can CH Inverness Bianca

Am/Can CH Hennums Baron Wilhelm UD

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Odells Anji

Am/Can CH Hennums Duchess Wilhelm CD

Am/Can CH Odells Hansel CDX

CH Wildfires That Girl